Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Article critique Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Critique - Article Example The aim of this article is to highlight how the endoscopic method can help in identification and treatment of sub-gingival calculus. Although the endoscopic technique is viewed as an efficient device in periodontal disease, it has some shortcomings that cannot be ignored. For example, the results of Michaud et al. showed that the endoscope does not give any benefit in root planning and scaling procedures in tooth rootedness (Osborn et al., 2014). The technology of periodontal endoscopic has provided a solution to various problems associated with ordinary detection of calculus, and gives an option in the clinical setting. The technology enables the sub-gingival video image to be exhibited on a proximate detector. As stated by Osborn et al. (2014), the image can be magnified 24x to 48x their real size, relying on the position of the lens and the object under observation (p.230). The article demonstrates how the device can be used for a clear view of sub-gingival calculus. The research was a clinical experiment. It was conducted to compare results of periodontal with and without the help of periscope in patients with periodontitis sites. The statistics were analyzed in a descriptive way of standard and mean deviation. The results were scrutinized to permit differentiation of 11-12 ODU explorer calculus and periscope. The level of calculus was examined utilizing the Endoscopic Calculus Index that was developed by Checchi et al. (p.231). In order to preserve the similarity in calculus indices, the tactile calculus detection using 11-12ODU explorer, employed a revised version of the index. The patients were given two appointments; six and eight-week re-evaluation sessions. The findings proved that the periscope detected many sites that could not be revealed by the explorer. The results of endoscopic revealed a decrease in surface area of the calculus compared to tactile explorer alone. Moreover, the endoscope made it easier

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Causes and Effects of Childhood Obesity Research Paper

Causes and Effects of Childhood Obesity - Research Paper Example According to the findings, obesity is impossible to hide and typically introduces a great deal of public humiliation every time the individual walks out the door. This element alone can cause lifelong severe psychological damage that significantly impacts the individual’s ability to live a happy, fulfilling life. However, the physical cost of being obese are much greater even than this. It is well-known that obesity can dramatically lower life expectancy at every age level. What might not be so well known is that there are at least 300,000 deaths in the United States every year that are the direct result of the person being obese. Even when life doesn’t seem threatened, people who are obese suffer a greater number of illnesses, have an earlier onset and more severe problems in their bones and joints and back region and are more lethargic than those who are not. Approaching epidemic proportions, identifying the causes and treatment of obesity is of utmost importance part icularly when working with children who have an entire lifetime ahead of them. Heredity significantly influences obesity. People who are genetically predisposed to being obese have a harder time trying to lose weight or to maintain the desired body mass. Children born into overweight families are often overweight even before they have the opportunity to try maintaining a healthy weight. Other contributing factors to the problem of obesity in children can include metabolic and socioeconomic circumstances, diseases, endocrine ailments, and medications Metabolism refers to how efficiently a person’s body burns up energy. Metabolic levels and hormonal balances differ widely from one person to another and both factor significantly in controlling weight.